DJT Situation Room Staged? & Was Barry Really There?

No, they are not staged and all looking at a camera. (By the way, “staging” and “posing” for cameras are to different venues.)

Raid on Osama Bin Ladin, Obama War Situation Room.

Who is the face behind the “Barry” overlay? So familiar. . .What is with the five o’clock shadow on entire neck? Looks like the guy in the corner is a passive observer and not the Commander In Chief.

Sure, these are Barry’s lips/mouth and chin. . Yeah, sure.

Who’s the Baby Daddy?

Barry has been said to look enough like both Malco X and Subud, but the closest math is someone nobody really “sees”. Which pics are Barry and which are “?”

The red star are all the same fellow. Unstarred, all the other. Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama/Soebarka and Nelson Mandela


There’s the purple lips but who knows what pics are doctored and which are not. Photos of Nelson are, like Barry’s, offered in a wide range of skin tones, lip color, etc.,